Not A Hotel, Setouchi, Japan

日本瀨戶內海 NOT A HOTEL


Guided By The Land: Balancing Openness and Seclusion


The visionary behind NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI is Bjarke Ingels, Founder and Creative Director of BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group). The forward-looking architectural firm is celebrated globally for its unique design methodologies and engineering innovations, as well as its cross-industry collaborations that aim to tackle sustainability and address societal challenges. By transcending the boundaries of architecture, Bjarke and his team strive to create a better world through design and innovation. We visited him at BIG’s Copenhagen office to discover more about his approach.




BIGBjarke Ingels Group)為具有前瞻性的建築公司,其以其獨特的設計方法和工程創新以及旨在解決永續性和社會挑戰的跨行業合作而享譽全球。透過超越建築的界限,Bjarke Ingels 和他的團隊努力透過設計和創新創造一個更美好的世界。


The NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI project sparked to life in the summer of 2022 when a member of the NOT A HOTEL (NAH) team clicked open an inquiry from Denmark in the company inbox. The team at BIG was intrigued by the projects gaining traction in Japan and wanted to learn more.


"We saw several NAH projects and wondered who was behind them. Their work differs from that of standard hotels; there's a sprinkling of adventure and a resolute commitment to quality. NOT A HOTEL is, in a sense, attempting to redefine hospitality, introducing a modern and diverse alternative that challenges conventional norms, including traditional values and star rating criteria. Recognizing the significance that architecture and design could play in realizing NAH’s vision for a novel form of hospitality, we were inspired to reach out and propose a collaboration.”


NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI 專案啟動自 2022 年夏天,當時 NOT A HOTEL (NAH) 團隊的一名成員在公司收件匣中點擊開啟了來自丹麥的詢問。BIG 團隊對這些在日本受到關注的項目很感興趣,並希望了解更多。在看到了幾個NAH項目後,想知道幕後的團隊是誰。他們的工作與標準酒店不同;具有冒險的精神和對品質的堅定承諾。從某種意義上說,NOT A HOTEL 試圖重新定義酒店業,引入了一種挑戰傳統價值觀和星級標準等傳統規範的現代而多樣化的選擇,認識到建築和設計在實現NAH 新穎的酒店形式願景中所發揮的重要作用,BIG 團隊受到啟發,主動提出合作。

Sagishima is a remote island in the Seto Inland Sea, a 13-minute speed-vessel journey from the port of Mihara in Hiroshima. This secluded island spans approximately 12 km in circumference, thrives with vegetable and citrus cultivation, and is home to around 600 residents. Bjarke offers his perspective on the location.


“The island chain within the Seto Inland Sea conjures the spirit of a traditional Japanese landscape painting. You have these silhouettes of undulating islands packed with lush greenery emerging from the sea; it's all very dramatic. The Sagishima site where we will construct NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI epitomizes a microcosm of the Setouchi landscape. Its rugged and intricate topography establishes a harmonious interplay between the panoramic view in the distance and the intricate details of the landscape right before your eyes.”


鷺島是瀨戶內海的一座偏遠島嶼,距離廣島三原港 13 分鐘的快艇航程。這座僻靜的島嶼週長約 12 公里,盛產蔬菜和柑橘種植,居住著約 600 名居民。Bjarke 提出了他對該地點的看法「瀨戶內海的島鏈讓人想起日本傳統山水畫的精神。你可以看到這些起伏的島嶼的輪廓,島上佈滿了從海上冒出來的鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物;這一切都非常戲劇化。我們將建造「NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI」作為瀨戶內景觀的縮影。其崎嶇而複雜的地形在遠處的全景與眼前景觀的複雜細節之間建立了和諧的相互作用。

The team explored the expansive 30,000-square-meter site at the tip of the island's southwestern region, strategically determining the suitable locations for the villas. They then returned to the studio to craft a design that seamlessly aligned with the existing road and topography to minimize interference with the natural landscape. The outcome is an array of buildings arranged across the site in angular motifs: "360," "270," "180," "90," and "0."


"Our design approach wasn't about imposing our ideas on the site; instead, it involved exploring, observing, and understanding the landscape. We envisioned how to best leverage this distinctive and remarkable terrain and fixed upon a design that mirrors the elegance of traditional Japanese architecture, with curves at 90°, 180°, 270°, and 360°."The core idea seamlessly integrates the surrounding landscape into the interior — echoing the design of a traditional Japanese single-story house that spreads horizontally with a restrained height — while the architectural design emphasizes simplicity, creating a unified and open space. For privacy without sacrificing the view, skylights strategically placed atop the properties introduce vertical views of the landscape. This design achieves a panoramic experience, horizontally or vertically, from any point within the building. Balancing openness and seclusion, the structure provides the pleasure of expansive panoramic views with a secluded and intimate atmosphere.


該團隊探索了島上西南部地區佔地 30,000 平方米的廣闊場地,策略性地確定了別墅的合適位置。再回到工作室,精心設計與現有道路和地形無縫對齊的設計,以盡量減少對自然景觀的干擾。一系列建築物以角度圖案排列在場地上:「360」、「270」、「180」、「90」和「0」。




The "360" villa sits atop a small hill, providing a literal 360° view of the Setouchi land and seascape. In contrast, the central courtyard ensures complete privacy. Meanwhile, the "270" villa, capturing a 270° panorama of the surrounding archipelago, features an expansive pool that spans the entirety of the central courtyard. This broad area includes a cozy corner where family and friends can enjoy a sauna and gather around a fireplace. At the peninsula's tip, the "180" property aligns with the ridge-like steps and showcases a view that Bjarke eloquently describes as "an almost stylized perspective of the Japanese sea and mountains framed by a single large window." "90" is a shared, secluded relaxation space, offering perfectly framed views of the water and beach in a slightly more intimate corner, resembling a cove. Lastly, "0" symbolizes a pier, marking the start of the NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI experience.


360」別墅坐落在一座小山頂上,可以 360 度欣賞瀨戶內的陸地和海景。相比之下,中央庭院確保了完全的隱私。同時,「270」別墅可欣賞周圍群島的 270° 全景,擁有一個橫跨整個中央庭院的寬闊泳池。這個廣闊的區域包括一個舒適的角落,家人和朋友可以享受桑拿並聚集在壁爐旁。在半島的頂端,「180」的建築與山脊狀的台階對齊,並展示了比亞克雄辯地描述的景觀,即「由一扇大窗戶構成的日本海洋和山脈的近乎程式化的視角」。「90」是一個共享的、僻靜的休閒空間,在一個稍微私密的角落提供完美的水景和海灘景觀,類似於海灣。最後,「0」象徵碼頭,標誌著NOT A HOTEL SETOUCHI體驗的開始。

主要建築師:BIG 建築事務所








Principal ArchitectsBjarke Ingels Group

Character of SpaceHospitality Urbanism

Building Area2350

LocationSetouchi, Japan



InterviewAna Wang 

Bjarke Ingels Group 簡稱為 BIG,是間總部位於丹麥哥本哈根,分公司遍及歐美各地的建築師、設計師和建商集團。 背後的遠見卓識者是 Bjarke Ingels,BIG(Bjarke Ingels Group)的創始人兼創意總監。在荷蘭鹿特丹的OMA 工作後,Bjarke 於2001 年共同創立了 PLOT Architects,隨後於 2005 年成立了 BIG Bjarke Ingels Group。他的「務實烏托邦」理念。 2016 年,他被列入《時代》雜誌年度刊物《時代100人》榜單,該雜誌評選了世界上最有影響力的 100 人。