Powerhouse Brattørkaia, Trondheim, Norway

挪威特隆赫姆 布拉托卡亞供能大樓


As the world's northernmost energy-positive building, Powerhouse Brattørkaia aims to set a new standard for the construction of the buildings of tomorrow: one that produces more energy than it consumes over its lifespan, including construction and demolition. The 18,000 m² office building is situated by the harbor and connects to Trondheim Central Station via a pedestrian bridge on the rear end of the building. The waterfront façade is the slimmest face of the building, allowing the project to be read at a similar scale with its neighbors. Clad with black aluminum and solar panels, the façade is reflected in the adjacent Trondheim Fjord.


布拉托卡亞供能大樓(Powerhouse Brautørkaia)是全球最北端的「負耗能」建築,其設計宗旨是為明日建築樹立新標竿──也就是從建設到拆除之完整生命週期當中,建築物自行產生能源必須大於消耗能源。這棟18,000平方公尺的辦公大樓位於港口旁,透過大樓後方的人行天橋連接至特隆赫姆中央車站(Trondheim Central Station)。建築面向濱海的那一側最為窄小,使其看起來和鄰近的建築大小相似,外層覆蓋的黑色鋁材和太陽能板能映照出一旁特隆赫姆峽灣(Trondheim Fjord)景色。

Viewed from the harbor front, the building façade's sides cants inwards, bringing associations to how the building is bursting with energy. From the opposite approach, the sloping roof of the building reveals a cutout in the center of its plan that allows daylight to flow into the office spaces. Within this illuminated core is an atrium that functions as a public garden with horizontal glass windows on the sides, providing skylight into the below canteen. This skewed lightwell allows daylight to enter the building on every floor, and gives the people working inside a great view of the city. The atrium also limits the amount of artificial light needed inside the building. Large glass windows and pleasant open spaces flooded with daylight contribute a comfortable and inviting work environment.



In order to reduce energy use on lighting, the building employs a concept called "liquid light", which allows the artificial light to smoothly dim up and down according to the activity and movement in the building. Taken together, these strategies allow Powerhouse Brattørkaia to consume only about half the amount of energy for lighting than a typical commercial office building of comparable size would. The building provides office spaces for a diversity of commercial tenants, including construction and shipping firms, while also housing a significant public program. A café and a visitor center at the ground floor are open to the people of Trondheim as an educational resource for school groups and the general public alike. The visitor center explicates the energy concept of the Powerhouse and supports public knowledge and discourse on sustainable building strategies for the future.


為了減少照明能源的消耗,這幢建築運用「流光」(liquid light)手法,讓人造光源可以根據建築內的動靜緩慢調整亮度。集結以上策略而言,都讓布拉托卡亞供能大樓於照明能源的消耗,成功達到只有一般同等規模商業辦公大樓的一半。此外,這棟建築提供多元辦公室類型租借,包含建設與運輸公司等商業行號,同時也可舉辦大型公共活動。地面樓層的咖啡廳和遊客中心開放給特隆赫姆市民,作為學校團體和公眾教育資源。遊客中心這棟大樓的能源概念解說,並鼓勵民眾了解和討論未來的永續建築策略。

Character of Space:Powerhouse
Client:Entra ASA
Environmental Organization:ZERO
Consulting Company:Asplan Viak
Total Floor Area:17,800 m²
Solar Panels on Roof:1,886 m²
Principal Materials:Black Aluminum.Solar Panels
Location:Trondheim, Norway
Photos:Ivar Kvaal.Synlig.no
Interview:Rowena Liu
Collator:Finn Ho

業主:Entra ASA
顧問公司:Asplan Viak

Snøhetta is a transdisciplinary, dialogue-driven practice including architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture, art, product design, graphic and digital design, often integrating a combination of interests across our projects. We share our name with a beautiful, remote, and historically important mountain in central Norway.

Snøhetta is a place nobody is from, but anyone can experience. Creating places for societies to connect with each other and with the world around them is a primary motivation in our work. Dialogue and diversity empower this approach.