美國麻薩諸塞州 表演藝術中心

The 84,000 sf Prior Performing Arts Center for the College of the Holy Cross has been designed to be an incubator for multidisciplinary learning grounded in the performing and visual arts for students from all academic disciplines. Standing as the cultural center of the school—with venues for both fine arts and performing arts—the building houses the 400-seat concert hall, a 200-seat flexible studio theatre, and the relocated Cantor Art Gallery.
佔地 84,000 平方英尺的聖十字學院表演藝術中心,其設立是為了學生們能夠在以表演和視覺藝術為主的學術學科上打好基礎。作為學院的文化中心,其設有四百個座位的音樂廳、兩百個座位的多功能劇院和一個遷移過來的美術館,用作培養美術與表演藝術的場所。

The four pavilions are contained within two pairs of walls that intersect to form a nine square grid. In each corner of the grid lies a unique courtyard garden: a small amphitheater, an outdoor teaching area and workspace, a meditative garden, and a sculpture garden. The paired walls twist, rise, and interlock, the wall of one pavilion becoming the roof of its neighbor, forming a chain around the center and creating arched entries directly into the heart of the building. The opposing precast concrete and weathering steel walls reinterpret the brick and limestone of the historic campus. Taking advantage of the site’s natural beauty, the Center’s design creates a meaningful counterpoint to the surrounding campus architecture, both fitting in and standing out on the highest point on campus.
Anchoring the Upper District of campus, the Center gathers together existing vectors of campus circulation at its heart: the Beehive. Around this central space the programs are divided into four pavilions: the Multipurpose Theater for opera and music; the Studio Theater for drama; Art/Media; and Practice/Production.

The Center has been designed to demonstrate ecological stewardship. The building is designed to LEED standards. Knowing that students and faculty will spend long hours in the building, a particular emphasis has been placed on the quality of the indoor environment—specifically air, light, thermal comfort, and materials. Each space has a visual connection to the exterior and allows in natural light, including the performance spaces.
此案的設計是為了展示生態管理,符合 LEED(能源與環境設計先導)的標準。知曉學生和教職員會在建築內待上很長一段時間,因此設計上特別強調室內環境的品質,尤其是空氣、採光、熱舒適性和建築材料。每個場所,甚至是表演的空間都能看見建築外面的風景,自然採光充沛。

Principal Architects:Diller Scofidio + Renfro ·
Perry Dean Rogers
Structural Engineering:Nitsch Engineering
Contractor:Dimeo Construction
Character of Space:Performing Arts Center
Client:College of the Holy Cross
Building Area:7,800 m²
Location:Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Cost:$110 Million
Photos:Iwan Baan · Brett Beyer
Collator:Yit-Ming Liang
主要建築師:迪勒・斯科菲迪奧 + 倫弗洛工作室
佩里 · 迪恩 · 羅傑斯
建築面積:7,800 平方公尺
工程造價:約 3,400 億新台幣
攝影:伊萬・班恩 布雷特・拜爾