Emma House, Michoacán, México

墨西哥米卻肯 艾瑪之家

HW Studio

本案始於團隊幾年前參觀耳聞以久的 Paula Rego 博物館的難忘經驗,一入內,即被一股敬畏和難以形容的寧靜所包圍,站立於其中一座金字塔下,自然光輕柔地從高高的天窗灑下,金色光芒灑在博物館的表面,各角落皆彷彿沐浴在柔和、天鵝絨般溫暖的光線中,使場內物件栩栩如生,並在牆壁和地板上創造出舞動的陰影和倒影。


We had heard a lot about the Paula Rego Museum, designed by Eduardo Souto de Moura, and a few years ago we had the opportunity to visit it. Upon entering the museum, we were immediately moved. Beneath one of the pyramids, we were enveloped by a sense of awe and indescribable serenity. Light filtered gently through a high skylight, cascading like golden rays on the museum’s surfaces. It felt as if every corner of the building was bathed in soft, velvety, warm light that touched everything and brought it to life. The way the light descended from those ceilings was soothing, creating shadows and reflections that danced all over the walls and floors. I remember us feeling immediately embraced and protected.



In this fascinating world of architecture, several encounters can move our inner selves; light and space become elements that awaken emotions and create transformative experiences. It is in this context that we present our project, Casa Emma. In this project, we have sought to convey such sense of serenity and calm through light. We have carefully explored how to capture the downward light, creating an immersive experience that aims to touch those who enter the house, just as we were touched.

然而,與 Eduardo 的博物館不同的是,團隊開鑿出一個如同「糧倉」的空間,並以木材為主要材料,藉此滿足業主的喜好,同時利用木質比擬傳統建築,形成一種延續的意象。此外,由於建築位處 4 公尺 x 10 公尺的小地塊上,設計師透過天頂的設計解決採光與通風問題,並最大可能地以高效率利用空間。


However, unlike Eduardo's museum, we perceive Casa Emma as an excavation exercise, as we carve out a void in the shape of a Purépecha granary, called Troje, for which Emma felt a special fondness and attachment. For this reason, the interior is made entirely of wood, aiming to accentuate this concept and make it more evocative of those traditional constructions, with a sense of respect and continuity while still conveying the same feeling of serenity and calm through light that we experienced that day. Being located on a small plot of 4.00 meters x 10.00 meters in depth, it was necessary not only to resolve lighting and ventilation in a zenithal way but also to be very efficient with the use of space.

Principal Architectures:Rogelio Vallejo Bores

Structural Engineering:ARGA Constructora

Construction Company:Alberto Gallegos Negrete (Grupo GAPSE)

Principal Materials:Concrete.Bricks.Wood

Building Area:54.35 mts²

Site Area:40.00 mts²

Location:Morelia, Michoacán, México

Photo:César Béjar

Text:HW Studio

Collator:Chloe Su

HW Studio
墨西哥莫雷利亞 HW Studio Arquitectos 是一家建築工作室,於 2018 年在墨西哥米卻肯州莫雷利亞市成立。它由多學科建築師團隊組成,負責住宅、企業和文化項目。
Lin’s House, Taichung台中林宅
青田中室內制作|AODA Interior Design
Yang's House, New Taipei 新北 楊宅
都市山葵/方瑋建築師事務所 Wei Fang Architects/URBANWASABI
Hung's House, Tainan台南洪宅
上越室內裝修設計有限公司 Shang Yue Interior Design Co. Ltd.
Wang's House, Taipei 台北王宅
翔騏空間設計 Shiang Chi Interior Design
Chen's House, Hsinchu 新竹 陳宅