The Gozona House, Luanco, Spain

西班牙盧安科 戈佐納之家住宅

isla architects + Mori Meana Architecture

In Luanco, a charming but traditional Asturian fishing village on the Atlantic coast of Spain, a family sought a functional, flexible, and playful house. From the entry hall, the large dining-kitchen-living room opens generously onto the courtyard, through a folding window that blurs the limit between interior and exterior.



A playful winding stair carves a meandering passage through the house, adapting itself to land on each level to the central space of the house, place of direct connection between the two facades. On the first floor this space gives access to the two bedrooms, the laundry, and the bathroom. On the second floor the connection between the two facades is made by the extrusion of the “Ventana marinera” which at its intersection with the gable roof generates a cross space. The windows frame views of the harbor, the adjacent hills and serve as flexible spaces: desk, games area, living room, bedroom. The four corners around the cross house three closed rooms: a bathroom, a wardrobe, and a utility room as well as a triple height above the first flight of stairs. This vertical space connects all levels and takes advantage of the chimney effect to naturally cool the house.



The large openings on the facade are clad with traditional wooden shutters, as is the front door, which allows for cross ventilation between the two facades in addition to controlling the privacy of the house. These shutters, the eaves and other details are painted a deep blue, in keeping with local tradition, integrating the house into the colorful Soledad Street. The courtyard, bound by an existing horseshoe-shaped stone wall, extends the interior of the house with polished concrete islands that encourage the growth of native vegetation. A small basin cools off the residents on the hottest summer days.




Principal Architects:isla (Marta Colón de Carvajal / Juan Palencia de Sarriá) + Mori Meana Architecture (Mateo Mori Meana)

Team:Vojtech Rada, Cristina Gutiérrez, María Gutiérrez, Silvia Fernández, Leticia Olalquiaga Cubillo, Teresa Meana, Beatriz González Yagüe

Structural Consultant:Structure Mayo Seco

General constructor:Ovigar


Building Area(㎡):166 m2

Location:Calle Soledad 59, Luanco, Gozón, Spain

Photos:Luis Díaz Díaz‧Iván Morán G-R

Text:isla architects + Mori Meana Architecture

Collator:Raffa Chen

主要設計師: isla 事務所 瑪爾塔·科隆·德·卡瓦哈爾 胡安·帕倫西亞·德·薩里亞 + Mori Meana 事務所 馬泰奧·莫里·米納

團隊:沃傑特奇·拉達 克里斯蒂娜·古提雷斯 瑪麗亞·古提雷斯 席維雅·費南德茲 蕾蒂西亞·奧拉基亞加·庫比羅 特蕾莎·米娜 比阿特麗斯·岡薩雷斯·亞格

結構顧問:Structure Mayo Seco



建築面積:166 平方公尺

座落位置:西班牙 盧安科

影像:路易斯·迪亞斯·迪亞斯 伊凡·莫蘭 G-R

文字:isla architects + Mori Meana Architecture


isla architects
isla是一家位於馬略卡島的建築和設計事務所,由 Marta Colón de Carvajal 和 Juan Palencia 創立。isla 採用情境方法——從地點和文化出發——專注於揭示現有事物的潛力,強調前人的工藝和知識,以便為每個項目制定一種激進的當代方法。除了預先確定的風格或美學之外,辦公室還與所有參與的代理商合作,針對每個具體情況做出適當的回應。
Mori Meana Architecture
Mori Meana 是一家位於阿斯圖裡亞斯、吉普斯誇(西班牙)和巴塞爾(瑞士)的建築事務所,專注於為建築、設計和城市化項目開發客製化解決方案。我們以不同的規模、專案(辦公室、住宅、商業)和地點(西班牙、義大利、瑞士、奧地利和盧森堡)開展工作。我們基於對環境、使用者以及經濟和能源資源優化的敏感性,尋找簡單的架構答案。我們將建築理解為一項複雜的集體活動,其中每個主體都是必要的,我們的工作包括建立指導過程的路線圖。