Centre culturel Nelson Mandela

法國巴黎 社區多功能圖書館

Jean-Pierre Lott

在巴黎郊外的 Pantin 市,Courtillières 區是一個具有重要都市意義的地點。而這座新建築,正是這片區域的最後拼圖,不僅連結了當地過去與未來的城市風貌,更標誌著這個大型建築群的入口。這片大型建築群由建築師 Emile Aillaud 於 50 年前設計,成為這項設計案的靈感來源,讓我們得以延續其建築語彙與材質的和諧統一。


In Pantin, a city on the outskirts of Paris, in the heart of the Courtillières district, our building has a very important urban role, it is the last piece in the heart of the district, it forms the link and marks the gateway to the large ensemble imagined by Emile Aillaud ago, now 50 years old.



The presence of the work of Emile Aillaud inspired our project, creating a link, a continuity of buildings and materials. Thus, our project presents itself as an open hand, a place accessible to all which connects the large ensemble to the new district. The large sinuous curve of the facade takes up the formal vocabulary of the neighboring school and offers the reading spaces it protects a very beautiful volume. The building is made of reinforced concrete, there is also continuity of material, at the time, we used it for its economy and the speed of execution it allowed, we use it today for its potential plastic: molded material, it allows you to construct drawings and represent abstractions. As with the large ensemble, the shell of the building is covered in earthenware which guarantees the longevity of the work and will also be a link with the large ensemble.





The building consists of two levels and an accessible roof terrace. On the ground floor, the spaces are designed for public use, including a welcome and socializing area, the library, a multimedia room, a broadcast space, and a game library. On the second floor, the layout includes library administration offices, activity rooms, a staff kitchen and office, as well as large terraces that extend the indoor areas. On the roof, accessible via a large spiral staircase or elevator, there is an outdoor theater that complements the library and broadcasting room, providing a versatile space for various activities.

Principal Architects : Jean-Pierre LOTT

Structural Engineering:INCET


Principal Occupation of the Consumer

Total Floor Area:1.400 m²

Principal Materials:Concrete.Aliminum

Principal Structure:Concrete

Location:Pantin, Paris, France

Photos:Takuji SHIMMURA

Jean-Pierre Lott