義大利拉蓋蒂 體育館

With the Fieldhouse project, architecture office MoDusArchitects inserts a new material milestone into the South Tyrolean landscape with inclusive spaces dedicated to sports and recreation.Located in the small town of Laghetti (Egna Municipality, Bolzano) nearby the riverbanks of the Adige river, the building sits at the foothills of Mount Corno whose natural reserve park forms a dramatic backdrop to the sports facility. Infrastructural in character, Fieldhouse is wedged between a five-a-side football pitch to the north, the existing football field to the west and the steeping terrain to the east. With its low-lying body that transforms as it moves laterally along the site, Fieldhouse mutates from a retaining wall to a long linear roof to then become a raised groundscape that acts not only as a viewing platform for sporting events, but also as an outdoor venue for social occasions.
MoDusArchitects 建築師事務所在義大利波札諾埃尼亞市拉蓋蒂小鎮建造了 Fieldhouse 體育館,同時提供體育和娛樂用途。其臨近阿迪傑河河岸,建於柯爾諾山山腳下,後方的自然保護區公園十分壯觀。 Fieldhouse 體育館北面與西面建有足球場,東面有著陡峭地形,位處低漥的建築本體由擋土牆橫向發展為長型線性屋頂,成為凸起的地面景觀,不僅能作為體育賽事的觀景台,亦可作為戶外社交活動的場所。

MoDusArchitects, appointed to demolish the old building that housed the changing rooms and the sports association, proposes a new building with an extension that would improve the building's energy efficiency while reusing the existing photovoltaic system.
受埃尼亞市委託拆除舊的體育協會建築,MoDusArchitects 建築師事務所同時提議建造一座帶有擴建部分的新建築,以提高建築的能源使用效率與重新利用既有的光伏系統。

The two-storey structure, one partially underground and one above ground with an adjoining large terrace, is made of reinforced - exposed concrete cast in situ. The glazed apertures take cue from the geometries and slopes of the site, forming a uniform envelope punctuated by alternating trapezoidal pillars and sharp cuts at the openings. On the east side, a lighting tower reaching towards the sky, 11-metres high and tapering upwards, acts as a counterweight to the extended body of the Fieldhouse. It incorporates the requisite lighting poles into an architectural element that delineates the outermost corner of the building—a hinge between built volume and the ground—to become a visual marker in the landscape. The tower is an integral part of the roofscape whose long, flat roof houses the 52 photovoltaic modules. Thanks to a system that covers 50% of its energy consumption with renewable sources, the new building is CasaClima A certified.
Fieldhouse 為兩層樓結構,一層部分位於地下,一層位於地上並有著由就地澆築的鋼筋混凝土建成的毗鄰大露台。與建築的幾何形狀和坡度相呼應,玻璃外觀的部份與梯形柱子交錯直至開口處的銳利切口。在建築的東側有著一座高 11 米、向上逐漸變細的燈塔作為擴建部分的配重,並將燈桿合併至建築中,同時也勾勒出建築的最外角,成為景觀裡的視覺標記。燈塔為屋頂景觀不可或缺的一部分,其既長且平的屋頂容納了 52 個光伏組件。Fieldhouse 體育館的能源消耗中有一半為可再生能源,因此獲得了 CasaClima A 認證。

Principal Architects:Sandy Attia, Matteo Scagnol, Anna Valandro
Structural Engineering:3M Engineering s.r.l
Contractor:Edil Vanzo Costruzioni Srl (Cavalese, TN)
Materials:Beton Lana Srl‧Designtrend SAS
Client:Comune di Egna
Each Floor Area(㎡):ground floor 650 sqm‧first floor, 430 sqm
Total Floor Area(㎡):1.080 sqm
Location:Via Cava 31, Laghetti (Egna) Bozen, Italy
Photos:©Gustav Willeit‧©Jürgen Eheim
Collator:Raffa Chen
主要建築師:珊蒂‧阿提亞 馬蒂歐‧斯卡尼歐 安娜‧瓦蘭德羅
結構工程:3M Engineering s.r.l
施工單位:Edil Vanzo Costruzioni Srl (Cavalese, TN)
材料供應:Beton Lana Srl‧Designtrend SAS
每層樓面積(㎡):底層 650 平方公尺‧一樓 430 平方公尺