日本輕井澤 砌塊牆房屋

此項目為一座位於長野縣輕井澤的私人住宅,量體呈獨特的三角輪廓,沿著道路而建,長度達 110 公尺。為了確保隱私不受過往車輛和行人的干擾,同時襯托自然環境,設計師提出一項有創意的想法。
A private residence in Karuizawa, Nagano. Situated along the road lies the distinctive triangular property extending 110m in length. A creative solution was essential in securing privacy from passing traffic and pedestrians, while acting as a foil for basking in the natural surroundings.

團隊透過架設混凝土磚牆,使視線順應不同的磚塊角度形成多樣視覺效果。約 2,050 塊磚塊形成 5 堵 3 公尺高的牆壁,並透過兩排磚牆的前後關係,在視覺上形成重疊效果;當兩牆磚塊角度一致時,視線得以穿透入內;反之則會受到阻擋。單排牆體則透過將磚塊朝單一方向擺設引導視線,避免直視屋內環境。
The approach was to design concrete block walls that would serve as filter screens. The line of sight is orchestrated by adjusting the angles of each block, fine-tuned by overlapping two rows of blocks in some places. In areas with a single row, the view is set in one direction. With two rows overlapping, the view on the other side is visible only when the block angles in the front and back rows align; otherwise, the view is obstructed.

由於磚塊以漸層模式排列,造就獨特的立面型態,繼而使居住空間成為「填補 」於牆體之間的存在。平行且交錯的磚塊經過精心擺放,不僅為臥室和衛浴空間帶來隱私,亦使客餐廳場域更為寬敞且舒心。
Approximately 2,050 blocks are staggered in parallel rows to create five 3m-high walls. The living space is designed to “fill in the gaps” in between. Calibrating the block angles by three degrees to fit each room condition ensures privacy in the bedroom and bathroom, while also providing a spacious ambience in the living and dining rooms. Ultimately, the design transpires into blocks arranged in a gradient-like pattern.

The material used for the blocks is “CO2-SUICOM※,” which is made by replacing a portion of cement, with an industrial byproduct and adding a carbon dioxide-absorbing material for less CO2 emissions during production.

Principal Architects:nendo
Structural Engineering:Kanebako Structural Engineers(house).ARUP(wall)
Contractor:NIITSU GUMI CO., LTD.
Building Area:70.74 ㎡
Site Area:1264.75 ㎡
Principal Materials:CO2‐SUICOM®(wall)
Principal Structure:Wooden(house).Steel(block walls)
Location:Karuizawa, Nagano
Photos:Takumi Ota.Masahiro Ohgami
Text:Oki Sato
Collator:Chloe Su
結構工程:Kanebako Structural Engineers(住宅). ARUP(牆體)
建築面積(㎡):70.74 ㎡
佔地面積(㎡):1264.75 ㎡