加拿大安大略 邦基山中小屋

本案對傳統 A 型框架的現代化詮釋,讓人聯想到典型的森林小屋,並透過屋頂區分各量體。分離式的屋頂以兩個相交檐口呼應景觀中的重疊岩層,且於分離處設置幾何型窗口,讓人將樹景和湖景盡收眼底,漫射入內的自然光反射於屋頂銳角上,造就戲劇性的線條和陰影。此外,分離式屋頂在兩側產生不同立面,高而狹窄的玻璃立面朝向湖泊,寬而不透明的立面則面朝森林。大門位於西側立面中央,與之連結的廊道側邊設有杉木板條屏風,與兩端樹幹相呼應,且在多變的西側陽光映照下,產生動態光影效果,因增強材料豐富性而帶來引人入勝的居住體驗。
A contemporary interpretation of the traditional A-frame shape evokes the quintessential cabin in the woods, differentiated by shifted roof volumes. Reminiscent of the overlapping layers of rock in the surrounding landscape, the split roof design features two intersecting gables that create opportunities for window openings where the roof volumes separate. These geometric windows allow for curated views of the treetops on one side and lake below on the other and invite natural light to flood the interior of the cabin, reflecting off the sharp roof angles and creating dramatic lines and shadows. The cabin’s split roof design also generates distinct elevations on either side – a tall, narrow, glazed facade facing the lake, and a wider, more opaque elevation facing the forest, with a cut out for a covered entrance on the west side. Located midway along the side façade, the cabin’s entrance features a walkway with a slatted cedar screen on one side which echoes the tree trunks seen through framed views at each end. The cedar slats are animated by the ever-changing west light that filters through its openings, producing a dynamic interplay of light and shadows that enhance the richness of the material and creating an engaging experience for visitors.

The Bunkie’s interior is functional despite its compact size. Small nooks throughout contain storage shelves or built-in benches. Each interior space is designed to offer framed views of the surrounding forest or the lake below. The upper loft area includes a built-in desk with a view down to the living space on the first level and the vast lake beyond. The bedroom is located at the rear and features a large window that offers immersive views of the forest. Natural materials were chosen to complement the rustic landscape that surrounds the Bunkie. Greyed wood siding contrasts the natural cedar soffits and screen that frames the entrance, sitting atop the raw, board-formed concrete base. Interior materials include oak flooring, maple plywood, and cedar cladding, grounded by dark charcoal window frames, grey stone counters, and furniture that offers moments of color.

Principal Architects:Dubbeldam Architecture +Design
Interior Design:Dubbeldam Architecture +Design
Contractor:HLD Muskoka
Building Area:93 m²
Principal Materials:Wood.Stone.Concrete
Location:Ontario, Canada
Photos: Riley Snelling
Interview:Chloe Su
施工單位:HLD Muskoka