葡萄牙格蘭杜拉 山坡房屋

In a territory occupied by the proximity of other lots, the terrain is protected by materializing its boundary. The landscape is contained within the lot, keeping the beach underfoot. The compression of the dune, between the walls, transforms the terrain into an inhabited house.

The house is the boundary, the gesture that frames the view. Against the fragmented program, there is a desire for a unifying design. The rhythm of the volumes, almost blind, constructs the periphery. Each unit, room, and patio, is a secret place of rest. The private spaces are completed and amplified in the exterior. The living room extends into the sand, under the shade, prolonging itself.

Principal Architects:SIA arquitectura
Structural Engineering:Prodetail
Coordinators:Ana Cravinho.Inês Cordovil.Sofia Pinto Basto
Collaborators:Ana Rita Martins.Matija Peric
Construction:ECM Engenharia e Construção, Lda
Landscape architecture:Greengest
Building Area:571,10 m2
Photo:Francisco Nogueira
Collator:Chloe Su
主要建築師:SIA arquitectura
協調員:安娜.克拉維尼奧 Inês Cordovil 索菲亞.平托.巴斯托
合作者:安娜.麗塔.馬丁斯 馬蒂亞.佩里克
施工單位:ECM Engenharia e Construção, Lda