LADERA HOUSE, O'Higgins Region, Chile

智利奥伊金斯 拉德拉之家


智利中部的 O'Higgins 區域,La Vega de Pupuya 是一片獨特的地理區域,擁有陡峭的懸崖和多風的氣候。這片海岸區域因其風帆運動的優勢而聞名,為風帆愛好者提供理想的環境,而來自南方的亦使這片山谷成為風帆運動的樂園。


Located in the O'Higgins region of central Chile, La Vega de Pupuya is a unique geographical area characterized by steep cliffs and a windy climate. This coastal area, renowned for its windsurfing opportunities, offers an ideal setting for such sports. The wind from the south transforms the valley into a paradise for windsurfing enthusiasts.



The house, set on a sloped site facing south, is strategically positioned at the bottom of the slope, avoiding obstruction from neighboring houses. This placement provides the residents with unobstructed views of the ocean and the valley, creating a harmonious connection with the natural landscape. Most houses in the area are positioned atop the cliffs, but the design of this house intentionally adapts to the natural terrain, avoiding earth movements and preserving the existing environment.



Constructed across four levels, the house is built using a system of wooden pillars and beams, creating a structural fabric that extends along the topographical line. This framework functions as a reticulated beam, allowing the house to "inhabit" the slope while integrating seamlessly with its surroundings. The transparency of the volume enables unobstructed views over the valley and towards the sea, while also offering spaces that provide shelter from the wind, a crucial consideration in this windy region.



The design of this home exemplifies an intelligent response to the unique challenges of its location, embracing the natural terrain while maximizing the views and shelter from the elements. The house not only offers a comfortable living experience but also strengthens its connection to the breathtaking coastal landscape.

Architects:WMR Arquitectos

Engineer:Alberto Ramirez.

Contractor:Florent Dromard.

Location:La Vega de Pupuya- Navidad, Región de O’Higgins. Chile.

Building Area:198 sqm.

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