加拿大魁北克 常規住宅

NORM is a renovation and extension of an existing single-family residence that breaks the generic notion of the suburban house, typically built without real consideration to its context. Located on a gently sloping south-facing site, the original house left the sunniest part of land to the garage, while the living rooms were oriented towards the north. From the outside, the arrangement of volumes revealed only a garage door from the street, rendering the pedestrian access almost invisible.

The new configuration of spaces emphasizes a more explicit relationship to the landscape. With the complete reversal of the program, the project redefines a unified link between different architectural volumes opening to specific landscape components on the site. The new glazed openings are now oriented to specific trees or other natural areas – to the sky or ground – so as to redirect original views of the manufactured suburban neighborhood. This way, the layout of spaces allows for a closer understanding of the landscape at large, giving the house a visual quality of isolation despite the nearby buildings.

The deliberate homogeneity of the interior finishes refers to the abstract and multi-directional characteristic of the architectural volumes perceived from the exterior. This radical approach relativizes the functional program of each room to subordinate it to the construction of a fluid “landscaped interior”, which is articulated under the play of light and complex lines of the designed space. This intentional elimination of materiality met the clients’ desires to live in a kind of minimal canvas of life, creating a neutral backdrop for their colorful lives. The continuation of a uniform materiality between the interior and exterior finishes inherently creates a contemplative living space, dictated by subtle variations of light, nature, and seasons on simplified forms.

NORM hopes to reinscribe a critical sense and awareness to the act of inhabiting, reinforcing a richer and more explicit relationship to the environment, all the while diminishing our material conquest that dominates our world of consumption.

Principal Architects:AtelierCarle
Principal Architects:Alain Carle (lead architect).Yann Deschesnes (project manager)
Structural Engineering:Latéral
Contractor:Gestion Mka
Character of Space:Renovation and extension of an existing single-family residence
Each Floor Area:73 (garden level).229 (ground floor).96 (1st floor)
Total Floor Area:398 ㎡
Building Area:229 ㎡
Site Area:1461 ㎡
Principal Materials:Lime plaster.Micro-cement
Principal Structure:Existing wood frame structure.New wood.Steel frame structure
Location:Baie d’Urfe, Quebec, Canada
Collator:Chloe Su
主要建築師:阿蘭卡爾(首席建築師) 揚.德謝斯內斯 (專案經理)
施工單位:Gestion Mka
每層面積:73 ㎡(花園層).229 ㎡(一樓).96 ㎡(二樓)
總樓層面積:398 ㎡
建築面積:229 ㎡
佔地面積:1461 ㎡