烏克蘭基輔 6:19工作室

6:19 Studio is a tattoo studio located in Kyiv's historic neighborhood of Podil. The space spans an area of 111 m² on the ground floor of a residential building. The founder of the studio is a Ukrainian artist Ulyana Nesheva. Ulyana has dedicated her life to art, so the interior of her first studio was to become a reflection of her style and artistic vision. There are almost no doors in the studio; all the halls are unified, so visitors immediately enter into a large open space. To the right of the entrance, balbek bureau placed a soft waiting area, and to the left, a uniquely-shaped, 800-pound graphite concrete table. Its edge has been beaten down by hand, giving it a unique and enchanting power, as a tattoo on the human body. The table unites all areas and serves as both a reception desk and a work surface for artists to design their future works. It resembles a wave flowing from the reception into the living area. Its velvety-matte surface is in stark contrast with the shiny vintage table lamp of polished chrome.
At the entrance, balbek bureau hung from the ceiling hangers made of metal cables and cloth hangers from propro. The total length of the cables measures 100 meters, uniquely designed by our team. Opposite the entrance is a room for rest, where artists can spend their free time. It is united with the studio space through tall rectangular portals. As the graphite table continued into this room, next to it balbek bureau placed high chairs. Right behind the reception is located a wall with a large round hole. Through it, you can see the main studio hall where the tattooing takes place. To the right is another passage that leads directly to the hall and dressing room. The main hall is a large spacious room filled with light. Minimalist black tattoo beds stand along both sides. balbek bureau moved the air conditioning system from the ceiling to the walls. And also did this with lighting fixtures, fire, and security systems to achieve a smooth and calm canvas ceiling. Between the two walls is placed a black cube. It houses a hidden wardrobe, a lavatory, and a dressing room for artists and customers. balbek bureau placed the mirror in the bathroom at an angle, which gives an impression of a broken geometry of the space and the illusion of repeated reflection.
6:19刺青工作室(6:19 Studio)位於烏克蘭基輔市(Kyiv),隱身在波蒂老城區(Podil)的住宅區地面樓層。工作室佔地111平方公尺,創始人正是烏克蘭藝術家—烏利亞娜.尼賽娃(Ulyana Nesheva)。烏利亞娜將畢生奉獻給藝術創作,首間工作室處處可見精心的規劃,完整體現她的創作風格,以及對藝術的願景。一踏入工作室,您會發現找不到任何一扇門。所有空間互相串連融為一體,形成一個通透、開放的格局。入口處右側為等候區,左側則是一張造型獨特搶眼、重達360公斤的石墨水泥長桌。手工雕砌的桌緣創造多變觸感,帶出獨特韻味,就如同刺青一樣,形態各異。形似波浪的長桌為不同空間帶來流動般的連結。一端作為剛進門的接待櫃檯,另一端則身兼刺青師創作的工作桌。磨砂桌面絲絨般的質地更凸顯了拋光的金屬復古檯燈的亮點,營造出鮮明對比。入口處的掛衣架也是匠心獨運。設計團隊從天花板延伸,運用總長一百公尺的鋼絲,垂掛烏克蘭在地品牌propro出品的衣架,展現出同材質的不同層次。

Principal Architects:Slava Balbek.Nata Kurylenko
Character of Space:Tattoo Studio
Total Floor Area:111 m²
Location:Kyiv, Ukraine
Photos:Yevhenii Avramenko.Nata Kurylenko
Interview:Rowena Liu
Text:balbek bureau
主要建築師:薩瓦.巴爾貝 娜塔.柯瑞蘭寇
空間面積:111 平方公尺
影像:葉夫海尼.阿夫拉緬科 娜塔.柯瑞蘭寇