阿根廷科爾多瓦 獨立工作室

The project unfolds in Córdoba, on a nearly 45-degree sloping terrain with the sound of the river and views of the mountains and treetops. A house for living, working, and writing in an environment of solitude and tranquility that allows philosophical work.
It is created with complementary opposites. While its lower part is heavy, the upper portion is lightweight. It barely rests on supports When open, it captures the views and welcomes the sun. It can also be firmly closed for introspection.

It is a piece of architecture that adds value to the landscape. The project can be accessed from the roof, which does not exceed the highest point of the lot to avoid disrupting the views. It is gradually traversed until entering from the lower part through a contemplative journey. This approach enables access to the natural terrain.
A clear geometry is defined with a retaining wall in relation to the mountain; a bridge extends and adds connection. The geometry is narrow like the footprints of a "goat". Similar to its steep slope, the program is stacked in multiple stories from its terrace to the ground.
Seen from the outside, it is a single-material structure that becomes a massive piece emerging from the site. Reinforced concrete is the main material used for the structure, internal spaces, and for the relationship with the ground and the sky. Its walls have a rough finish capable of revealing the passage of time and imprinting the climate and tones of the location on the structure. Inside, the space has unique proportions and big changes in height. It includes big openings and complete closures to reveal or conceal the landscape. Wood is used, a warm material that contrasts the rugged exterior and releases its distinctive scent upon entry.
The main area for living, dining, cooking, and waking up connects with the landscape at the height of the tree canopy. In contrast, an introverted mezzanine, with an open floor plan, is suspended over the entire void. It is illuminated from below, creating an environment for introspection. It offers a place for writing and reading, disconnected from the outside.
從外部欣賞,它是一個單一材料的結構,如同這片場域中長出的巨大物件。結構以鋼筋混凝土為內部空間以及與地面和天空關係的主要材料。牆壁則選擇粗糙自然的表面,以揭示時間的流逝,將該地點的氣候和色調印在結構上。內部空間比例獨特,為因應地形而高度變化較大。 使用木材,一種溫暖的材料,與崎嶇的外觀形成鮮明對比,並在進入時能夠感受到其獨特的香氣。
起居、用餐、烹飪和起床的主要區域與樹冠高度的景觀相連。相較之下,一個向內的夾層,具有開放的平台,懸掛在整個空間之上。而下方則創造了一個獨立的室內環境, 成為能夠與外界隔絕,寧靜的寫作和閱讀場所。

Far from being a fragile construction it is a new piece of the mountain with formal synthesis and material simplicity. The proposal respects its context by resorting to basic, "handmade" technology, and few simple operations. The proposal does not alter the natural topography and suggests different types of spaces: interior and exterior, intimate or open. Meanwhile, air and water continue to run beneath the house.
看次纖細的線條實則並非一座脆弱的建築,而是一座形式綜合、材料簡單的新式山景空間。 該案透過訴諸基本的「手工」技術和一些簡單的操作來強調其動機。 絕不改變自然地形,而是提出了不同類型的空間:內部和外部、私密或開放。 同時,自然的空氣和環境的水源持續在房子周圍流動。

Principal Architects:Agustín Berzero. Manuel Gonzalez Veglia (Tectum arquitectura)
Structural Engineering:Edgar Moran
Building Area:54 ㎡
Location:La Paisanita, Córdoba, Argentina
Photos:Federico Cairoli
Text:Tectum arquitectura
Collator:Ana Wang
主要建築師:阿古斯丁.貝爾澤羅 曼努埃爾.岡薩雷斯.維利亞
文字:Tectum arquitectura