阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯 私人藝術工作室

Atelier-A is a working station for the visual artist, Andy, within a woodland of acacias that cast mesmerizing shadows on the translucent-fabric roof of the building.
The building is set in a large rural area near the town of 25 de Mayo, surrounded by crops and polo horses. The landscape is widely perceived from the interior: not only by the beautiful views granted by the wide, glazed facade, but also by the movement of leaves, wind and birds that show on the roof. Overhead, sieved, natural lighting is a constant, allowing creativity to flow in the space as the day passes. In the evening, the roof lights up and acts as a lantern and a guide for anyone approaching the building or the farm.
Atelier-A 是一位視覺藝術家的個人工作室,在一片金合歡林中,金合歡在建築物的半透明織物屋頂上投下迷人的陰影。

The building is divided into two volumes separated by a courtyard. It has a main space with a resting area and a large sink to make the artistic experience very flexible, and a bathroom and storage module. Volumes don't touch, but are separated by a slit of air. Through it, the wide landscape which is later revealed once inside the atelier, can be spiedon while standing in the triangular entrance courtyard. Once inside, a platform extends towards the horizon, as an outdoor working space.
Recovered wood from a neighboring vivarium dating from the mid XX century develops as the indoor and outdoor envelope for creative thinking. It is a rough, worn wood that blends with the trunks of trees and posts. In addition, the glazing used is mirrored, in order to reflect the landscape and dissolve in it. Due to enhanced natural lighting and a very well insulated envelope, the building uses very little energy and works completely off-the-grid.

Principal Architects:Angie Dub
Design Team:Belén Butler.Alejandra Núñez Berté.Tabatha Walter
Structural Engineering:Alejandra Fogel
Contractor:Marcelo Yolis
Character of Space:Art studio
Principal Materials:Recovered wood.Steel sheets.Fabric
Principal Structure:Steel-framing
Location:Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photos:Fernando Schapochnik
Text:Angie Dub
Interview:Grace Hung
設計團隊:貝倫.巴特勒 亞歷杭德拉.努涅斯.貝爾特 塔巴莎.沃爾特
文字: DUB 建築師事務所
Recently she has published multiple articles on design and sustainability both in national and international conferences and in design and art magazines.